About Terry Bankert
1994 - Present Attorney - Private Practice. Terry R. Bankert P.C. P49048 Specializing in Family Law and Bankruptcy Law ONLY!
1987 - 1994 Ombudsman - Flint, Michigan. This office issues Public Evaluations of Municipal Service delivery critical of City Programs & Services and Personnel Conduct. Investigations include: Police Brutality complaints, General Citizen complaints concerning delivery of the various City Services as well as the conduct of Elected Officials. The reporting is combined with extensive Mediation and problem solving. Results, as well as the complaints are made available to the General Public. The Ombudsman serves on the Standards of Conduct Board and is responsible for raising Ethical issues and advising City Employees as to possible Conflicts of Interest. City of Flint 1101 S. Saginaw St. Flint MI 48502.
1983 - 1987 City Clerk - Flint, Michigan. Clerk to the City Council. The Clerk manages all Municipal and School Elections, Voter Registration and Business Licensing, City Records and Proceedings of Committees and full City Council meetings. Managed a regular Staff of 12 in the Clerk’s Office and 500 Election Workers at Election Precincts. City of Flint 1101 S. Saginaw St. Flint MI 48502.
1982 - 1983 Division Director - United Way of Genesee & Lapeer Counties. Responsible for various divisions of the United Way fund raising efforts in the annual campaign. United Way 202 E. Boulevard Dr., Flint, MI.
1975 - 1982 Executive Director - Genesee County Democratic Party
Family Law Certificate 2010 - Mi Institute of Continuing Legal Education
Family Law Certificate 2008 - 2010 MI ICLE 150 + Credits in Family Law Issues
Genesee County 7th Circuit Court Certified Mediator 2009
Mediation and Collaborative Law Training Divorce without Public Litigation 2007
CDAM Criminal Defense Attorneys of MI, Member since 1999
Michigan State Bar Admission P49048, 1993
University of Michigan - Flint, B.A. Urban Studies, 1982
Thomas Cooley Law School J.D., 1992
University of Michigan - Flint, M.P.A. Masters in Public Administration , 2005
C.M.C.. Certified Municipal Clerk 1982
State Bar of Michigan Institute of Continuing Legal Education, 1993-Present
2006 Great Schools Initative Member
2006 Great Schools Initative Report Co-Author
1996 Genesee County Parks Chairperson Millage Campaign
1987 United Way Governmental Unit Annual Campaign-Chairperson
1986 - 1987 United Way Allocation Panels Member
1986 - 1987 Whaley Children’s Center Policy Committee
1985 - 1987 City of Flint Downtown Development Authority Member
1985 - 1987 City of Flint Comcast Cable Advisory Committee Member
1984 - 1985 United Way City of Flint Campaign Chairperson and Annual Campaign Cabinet Member
1982 - 1986 Genesee, Lapeer, and Shiawassee Health Systems Agency Treasurer
1980 Flint Board of Education Task Force on Community Organization - Committee on the Phase One Plan for Quality Education Member
1976 -78 East Village Recycling Project Coordinator
1976 Walker Community School Council Alternate Member
1976 - 1983 Flint Neighborhood Improvement and Preservation Project ( NIPP) VP & Board Member
1976 City of Flint Standing Committee City Wide Housing Rehabilitation Project
1976 City of Flint City Wide Advisory Committee Alternate
1976 - Present East Village Magazine Volunteer Distributor, Legal Advisor, and Writer
1974 City of Flint Charter Revision Board Speaker
2001 - Present Divorce Workshops - Flint Public Library, Flint MI
1998 - Present Co-Founder and Consultant "Unity for Parents and Children", a Support and Educational Organization for Parents/Grandparents in Child Protection Proceedings
1997 Genesee County Drain Commissioner Election - Campaign Manager
1995 Mott Community College Millage - “Get Out the Vote” Voter Education Director
1992 Freedom of Information Workshops - University of Michigan - Flint, MI
1992 State of MI Statewide "Get Out the Vote" Campaign Consultant
1992 - Present - "How to Run a Political Campaign" Author of Manual - Workshop Facilitator
1975 - Present Consultant: Various Political and Issue Campaigns
- Flint Rotary - Optimist - Kiwanis - American Society of Public Administration -
- Michigan Municipal Clerks Association -
- International Assoc. for the Civilian Oversight of Police -
Railroad Brotherhood Teamsters -
- United Auto Workers - Nominating Committee of Planned Parenthood -
- American Ombudsman Association - Genesee County Board of Election Canvassers -
- State Bar of Michigan - Family and Bankruptcy Sections -
- Genesse County Bar Association - Family and Bankruptcy Sections -
- Mediator Association Certification January 2008 -
- Institute of Continuing Education- Partner -
- National Public Radio-Partner -
Federalist Society at the Detroit College of Law Debated the “Yes” Position at Michigan State Campus September 8, 1999. Opponent Professor Bitinsky. Topic: “Should Parents be Allowed to Physically Discipline their Children?”
State Bar of Michigan September 25 1991. Panel Member "Police Officers and the Use of Force."
International Association Civilian Oversight of Police September 30, 1991 "Programming -Justifying Your Existence."
National League of Cities December 1988. Panel Member "For Crying Out Loud: Clinching the Complaint System."
International Inst. of Municipal Clerks "Guaranteeing Government Accountability"
February 1988
1971-1976 United States Army Reserve Drill Instructor E6, Honorable Discharge April 1976.